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Userback Specifications

Time Tracking

Task Management


Budget Management

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Userback is a cloud-based feedback tool for website users, designers, and developers. It helps you capture annotated screenshots and user interactions, gather bug reports, and get visual design feedback. Advanced features help you track insights and improve your website quickly, saving time and money. 

Userback software streamlines the feedback process and improves results. You can assign tasks to team members when new feedback arrives. You can integrate Userback with Jira, Slack, Trello, and more to manage feedback from multiple teams.

Userback Pricing

The software's monthly price begins at $79, and it offers four different Userback pricing plans based on business requirements. For detailed Userback Software Pricing information, click the "Get Pricing" button.

Userback Demo

Click the "Watch Demo" button to view a free live Userback Software Demo and learn how it can benefit your business. Additionally, the software offers a free trial.

Userback Reviews

Customer opinions of Userback have been generally favorable. Users have praised the software's user-friendly interface, intuitive dashboard, and comprehensive reporting tools. Additional Userback software Reviews can be found in our Reviews Section.

Our Thoughts

The Userback project management tool facilitates the collection of valuable user and customer feedback, the monitoring of customer satisfaction, the assignment of team tasks, and the planning of the product roadmap. Userback software also allows you to generate comprehensive reports on user feedback and track the progress of your entire project portfolio. This allows you to monitor performance and identify issues as well as improvement opportunities. Userback software is recommended for teams seeking to collaborate more effectively on feedback and bug reports.

Userback Features

Userback project management software simplifies feedback and bug reports. It helps track tasks, assign responsibilities, and ensure timely feedback. Easily customize project settings, create roles and permissions, and assign tasks to team members.

Userback collects customer and user feedback to plan your product roadmap. With customer feedback organized, you can prioritize projects and implement the right improvements. Userback lets you monitor real-time customer sentiment to stay competitive.

Userback's audit trail tracks project changes. You can view who made the modifications, when they were made, and what the modifications were. This is a useful tool for ensuring that your project stays on track and no changes are made without your knowledge. In addition, the software's advanced reporting tools allow you to monitor customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. You can also use analytics to measure the impact of changes and confirm that your website is meeting its objectives.

Userback Reviews

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