Southern Code

Southern Code

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Southern Code is a software development company, specializing in building software from scratch or improving the ones that already exist.

Founded in 2015, the company provides services such as development, UX/UI, and Staff Augmentation sharing similar time zones, with resources and clients all over the world. As Software on demand specialists, they can implement tech solutions sharing similar time zones, values, language and with competitive rates.

They co-create innovative ideas to help their clients improve their business. They work with world-class developers, Project Managers, UX/UI designers, Testers and QA, Devops, Business Analysts and more.

As a cost-effective company they are a great nearshoring partner with hand-to-hand IT support. Their business focus, budget on scale and simple contracting makes the difference.

Since their inception, Southern Code has helped more than 20 companies and managed more than 30 projects. They continue to navigate and expand knowledge and borders with new services and their own products.


The UX process is the bedrock of all our projects. We divide it into different stages: User research, Definition, Ideation, Validation, Prototyping and User testing. We also provide services such as UX Audit to improve your business.

If you need it, they code it.

They code in React Native, Python, Java or any other language the client's need or in which the product is more efficient. They attend to quality, usability, durability, and budget while working with agile methodologies.

IT Talent You Can Count On

They have a complete developer, engineer, designer, analyst, tester and UX profile database. They can work with outsourcing or staff augmentation guaranteeing professional profiles with the right cultural fit for every client.

Be Picky! Pick Them!

They work with high-performance teams capable of developing changing environments.

They care about scaling teams and roles based on every project's evolution.

Southern Code provides IT solutions based on business analysis and value propositions.

Every Code delivery is supported by documentation.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

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